Salamata Jalloh ’22 Earns 富布赖特 Award for 2022-23 Academic Year


As sole recipient of the UK Partnership Award for the University of Edinburgh, Jalloh 你打算出国攻读硕士学位吗

Salamata Jalloh '22 pictured outside William Smith Hall

Salamata Jalloh, a senior at 九州娱乐官网, received a 富布赖特 Award for the 2022-23学年. Jalloh will be attending the University of Edinburgh in the UK, where she will pursue a Master’s Degree in African Studies and International Development.

Jalloh, who will graduate later this month with a degree in Political Science, along with dual minors in Religion and Peace and Conflict Studies, was thrilled to learn that she had been selected as the finalist for this program, particularly since she has aspired to the 富布赖特 program since she first learned about it from a middle 学校的老师. “Fast forward to coming to 九州娱乐官网, and I already knew it 是我想申请的工作,”她说. “我一直在朝着这个方向努力.”

的 rigorous 富布赖特应用程序 process began in the early fall and included a 书面申请和面试. 半决赛选手在去年12月宣布 final award notifications take place in the spring. Jalloh的对手是 about 120 other applicants for this particular award, and was the sole recipient of the UK Partnership Award for the University of Edinburgh.

An expectation of all recipients is that they actively contribute to the cultural 交流经验. One of the ways Jalloh intends to do that is to join the University’s rowing club, a sport she participated in during her high school years. 她还想 to travel throughout the UK and learn as much as she can about their history.

After completing the master’s program at University of Edinburgh, Jalloh will either 进入法学院或和平队. 她的职业目标是获得法律学位 work in International Law, but finds the Peace Corps option intriguing. “我认为服务 with the Peace Corps would really allow me to apply what I’ve learned in my undergraduate 学习和研究生课程,”她说.

Types of 富布赖特 awards available include open study/research awards, English teaching assistant awards, and special programs such as their Fellowships in Public Health and National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship. Jalloh的奖项是为了研究, which are available in approximately 140 countries around the globe. 她在 英国九月开学.

In addition to her studies at 九州娱乐官网, the Milton, MA resident has been actively involved with a number of other organizations on campus. 她在政界工作 科学荣誉学会 满足社会, Cleopatra’s Sisters, and the African Student Union (ASU).

Jalloh was supported throughout the entire application process by Carrie Reiling, 政治学助理教授 & International Studies, who is herself a 富布赖特 明矾. Reiling helps 富布赖特 applicants from start to finish, including setting internal deadlines for written portions, reviewing the application draft and offering feedback, 并提交推荐信.

Emily Hall ’14 was the last 九州娱乐官网 student to receive a 富布赖特 Award, and hers was to work in Nepal for a year after graduation. 霍尔实际上提供了支持 在他们通过 满足社会 网络. Jalloh interned with Hall at Advancing Girls’ Education in Africa in the Fall of 2021, and Hall lent her experience and offered assistance with Jalloh’s own 富布赖特应用程序.

In addition to Hall and Reiling, Jalloh credits and thanks Dr. 克里斯汀·韦德博士. Tahir Shad博士. Emily Steinmetz博士. 伊丽莎白·奥康纳博士. 丽莎·丹尼尔斯 writing recommendations and offering support throughout the entire application process.

Recipients of 富布赖特 awards are selected in an open, merit-based competition that considers leadership potential, academic and/or professional achievement, and record 的服务. As 富布赖特 明矾ni, their careers are enriched by joining a 网络 of thousands of esteemed 明矾ni, many of whom are leaders in their fields. 富布赖特 明矾ni include 61 Nobel Prize laureates, 89 Pulitzer Prize recipients, and 40 who 曾担任过国家元首或政府首脑.

的 Commission evaluating applicants to this specific area of study seek those who demonstrate rigor in scholarly enquiry and academic excellence; strong reasons for wishing to pursue study at that particular institution; a desire to gain a better understanding of the peoples and cultures of their host country and a commitment to the community through volunteer and extracurricular activities.

的 富布赖特项目 是U.S. government’s flagship international educational exchange program and is supported by the people of the United States and partner countries around the world. 的 富布赖特项目 is funded through an annual appropriation made by the U.S. 国会 到美国.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. 参与 governments and host institutions, corporations, and foundations around the world also provide direct and indirect support to the Program.

Since 1946, the 富布赖特项目 has provided more than 400,000 participants from over 160 countries the opportunity to study, teach and conduct research, exchange ideas, and contribute to finding solutions to shared international concerns.